Bournemouth Memories (July 2017)

Six members this week and no idea what to talk about, but we just chatted on; mainly about what we had done during the week and the topic turned to Bournemouth. One member had been on a coach trip there so soon our thoughts and memories turned to previous trips and these memories came flooding out.

It would seem that Bournemouth is a popular place to visit. It brought forward, also, a range of emotions from pleasant memories to feelings of isolation.

The lines in the poem are taken directly from what was said and then put together to create a contrasting tone so as to reflect the mixture of emotions that these memories brought to the fore.


I went to Bournemouth last week,
(by coach from Oxford).
Beautiful gardens – right down to the sea,
(It rained all day).
I think that, at some time, we have all been there,
(so long ago I can’t remember).
My Sue is buying a flat in Bournemouth,
(I am worried she will move there).
So many steps to climb to see her – at the top,
(I hope she doesn’t go).
My daughter worked for Sainsbury’s and arranged a trip,
(four coaches it took).
We had a very good time and such great food,
(one man slept through – what a waste).
I went to Bournemouth with my Dad and stayed in an hotel,
(I wasn’t allowed a shandy only lemonade).
Still the bingo was good and we stayed in all the time,
(home late on Monday)
Yes, Bournemouth has many memories.

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