Resolution Rant (January 2017)

Six members this week and the topic was New Year’s Resolutions – those that had been important, or meaningful. This, initially, was not a very good choice as many of the members had difficulty remembering any of any significance that they were willing to share. Soon, however, the conversation started and out the came as a stream of consciousness. So, very little punctuation and just shout the words in bold.


Not to eat so much chocolate (so many at Christmas), but lose weight.(Whisky keeps me slim)
Can’t just eat one chocolate the second is so much better.
Stopped my medication but I got told off – it’s so boring, but I will start.
Don’t like whisky but love brandy, port and milk stout.
Pregnancy – not sure why.
Do things not done before.  – yoga, quiz.
I enjoy walking – don’t get lost.
I think that I should give up driving
I am a recycled teenager.
There is no can’t do – just do!